Many ordinary bumberos, and even directors of the various brigade do not fully appreciate the importance or relevance of the case filed by them against the Opportunists.
I would like to highlight, as much as I could, what I understand their cause to be.
Enumerated herein are the main points of the case filed against the respondents Water Ludy and Company :
- ILLEGITIMATE OFFICERSHIP. While we have, indeed, for the longest time exercised succession into Office as the norm of assuming officership, the same cannot be allowed now that we know for a fact that what we were practicing is blatantly illegal. Though we did practice succession before, we didn't know that the same was not the proper way putting people into office to manage the affairs of the Association as envisioned by our founding fathers. To begin with, it is our founding fathers who drafted the legal by-laws duly recognized by the government. I am pretty sure that those who crafted the said by-laws meant for it to be followed and observed by those following in their footsteps. It would take a lot to explain this point, but the short of it is, we were misled into thinking we were doing what was right in order to support the personal agenda of a few. We know for a fact that it is the Opportunists who brought to light the existence of another set of by-laws, duly recognized by the government, and totally different from the one we always used. This was done for self-serving purposes when it was apparent that the chinese by-laws wouldn't suffice their ulterior motives.
- TO FERRET-OUT THE TRUTH. Water Ludy and company goes out of their way to mislead and misinform as many people as they can about the whole bruhaha. They do not want people to know what the real issues are so that they can maintain their hold on the misguided bumberos. They try to paint the complainants as the bad-guys by branding them "nanggugulo". What they fail to declare however, is the reason why the complainants filed the case to begin with. While it is true that problems of the Association should be settled within the organization, Water Ludy and Company left the complainants no other choice. Complainants tried, as much as they could, to exhaust all possible means to have their concerns addressed. Water Ludy and Company on the other hand, tried - as much as they could, to ignore and set-aside the legitimate gripes of the complainants. Simply put, the complainants were pushed against the wall, with no other way to ventilate their frustrations about how the Association was run.
- TO PROTECT THE ASSOCIATION. The Association will implode if we let them run it the way it is run now. To begin with, for the longest time, there has been no accounting of funds until now. A number of donations given to the Association were alleged to have been inappropriately used by certain individuals. If this information leaks out, who else would trust us with their money?
- PROMOTE ACCOUNTABILITY. Right now, officers of the Association are not held accountable for their actions. If we continue with the way we used to do things, they will find a way to sweep their misdeeds under the proverbial rug. With the current set up, we basically elected the president lined up for the next 12 years. That said, from Ube's reign til the next 12 years, there will be no way to exact accountability.
- IMPROVE CHECK AND BALANCE. Right now, the Secretary-General in the person of Mary Eta runs the affairs of the Association. She is able to influence and sway the executive officers, particularly Water Ludy who I consider a super-superior officer (owing to her multitude of titles), into suppressing any and all attempts to promote transparency. there is no Check and Balance system in place to see if the duties of the officers are being discharged in accordance with supposed protocols.
- EXPOSE PEOPLE WITH SELF-SERVING INTEREST. It must be noted that the Association has been used time and again by a few individuals with self-serving interests. Classic examples would be how the Association was used to propagate TXTFire. We were made to believe that TXTFire was something which would benefit the Association. Lo and Behold, TXTFire was used to serve the vanity of a few and, as it turns out now, being used against the Association.
- LEFT WITH NO OTHER CHOICE. Of course the reklamadors would have wanted a quiet resolution of the issues being raised, but they were pushed to the wall. They were left with no other recourse but to file a case and resort to this blog to inform everyone of the current state of affairs of the Association. That goes without saying that the reklamadors have exhausted all available means to bring attention to the matters concerning mismanagement of the Association. Representatives of the Voltron organizations have not failed in every meeting to challenge and call attention to relevant matters only to be sidelined and ignored by the presiding officers in every and all meetings of the Board. The policy implemented was, "they who hold the gavel makes the rules".
- AND MORE! Will update as time goes by. Kakapagod magtype e. Check back from time to time.